Campaign for Food, Land, Climate Justice

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Solidarity message of ZAMSOF’s Gershom Kabaso* to the PCFS 4th GA

Warm solidarity greetings!

First of all, allow me to applaud the organizers of the exchange study visit and general assemblies [of PCFS and APC] for their frantic efforts in putting up the global participation of this nature together. It is not an easy task to perform.

Essentially, it is a reality that the assembly is here now, where there are a lot of expectations and eagerness to rekindle the spirits of activism around joint work of food sovereignty globally. This gathering binds us together for a unity of purpose, a union of common interest and oneness in our food, land and water social struggles. Rest assured that the continental joint efforts and spirit of activism support is bestowed upon you all present in Thailand, despite [myself] not being present with you today.

For this, Zambia and that of Africa region at large is echoing its loudest message of people–to-people solidarity in line with this year’s theme “Defend Our Victories! Assert People’s Rights to Land, Water, and Food!” Thus in strongest tune, we demand and denounce any form of monopoly capitalism exploitation that abuses people’s rights to food, land and water. These rises from inhuman effects of foreign polices of privatization, denationalization, globalization and many other external forces of capitalist injustices and actions. Furthermore, we say NO to foreigners encroaching our food ecosystems in our communities that has full of life and an oasis of sustenance.

We shall not go to sleep nor stop our resistance campaigns to food sovereignty of our different nature, not until the world has become a better place to live in, where everyone has enough to eat healthy sustainable diets free from any chemical substances that erodes away our natural nutrients and other hand that defines our truly indigenous in our diversity way of life and living.

May the outcomes of the this gathering impact positively our agenda of food sovereignty in sustainable manner.


Struggle continues……

*Gershom Kabaso is the National Coordinator of Zambia Social Forum, a nonprofit civil society organization based in Zambia, Africa that aims at community service, advocacy, and being a voice for the voiceless. ZAMSOF is a member organization of PCFS.